Spydur interative session


Allocate a node:

Step 1: Open putty and connect to spydur

Step 2: salloc –account=username –partition=ML –mem=100GB –ntasks=1 –cpus-per-task=10 –time=1:00:00


Start up Jupyter

Step 3: export NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS=<mum_of_trhreads.

Step 4: ssh username@spdrXX (where XX is the node that is assigned to you

Step 5: jupyter lab –no-browser –port 10051


Create Tunnel to connect your computer to the node to run Jupyter in your local browser

Step 6: Open up a new command prompt

Step 7: ssh -L 10051:localhost:10051 username@spydur -t ssh -L 10051:localhost:10051 username@spdrXX (make sure ports are correct as is node)

Step 8: Point browser to http://localhost:10051/ and paste token