OBJECTIVE: To train teachers and researchers, with a critical scientific spirit, capable of using the acquired knowledge to contribute to the resolution of the scientific-technological demands of society in the Concentration Areas of the Biological Sciences Program, considering the geopolitical, society and health characteristics, and regional demands focusing on chronic (eg cancer), endemic, emerging, reemerging and / or neglected diseases to prevent and combat outbreaks, endemics, epidemics and pandemics in the country and the southern region of Minas Gerais.
MISSION: (It is the purpose of the program to exist. It is its raison d’être. Ex: “We exist to strengthen science”):
Generate the development of high-level researchers through knowledge and guidance in interdisciplinary, critical and innovative ways in Biological Sciences, enabling the entry of these researchers in public or private teaching and research institutions for scientific development and aggregation of values for society .
VISION: (Final destination you want to reach. It is the revelation of what is expected for the program: “To be the best consulting company in Brazil”):
To be a reference in the area of Biological Sciences with a recognized high standard in research and in the application of knowledge generated by health demands; training qualified professionals.
VALUES: (Values are everything that is non-negotiable for the program, what it can or cannot do in the program. In other words, they are the rules of conduct to be followed by the program in the fulfillment of its mission, and must be explicit, ethical and shared by all participants)
• – WITH SOCIETY: Train researchers in biological sciences; produce and disseminate new knowledge that contributes to the development of science, technology and innovation in the country; community health care and interaction with public and private institutions;
• – WITH ETHICS: Respect the principles of autonomy, freedom, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice / equity in relationships;
• – WITH QUALITY: Continuously improve teaching, research and extension activities, stimulate innovation and creativity in search of excellence;
• – WITH MANAGEMENT: Valuing and respecting the basic principles of laws, ethics, transparency and efficiency in the service;
• – WITH THE WORK ENVIRONMENT: Encourage teamwork, development and personal responsibility and integrity in research among the participating members of the Program.