
Name/Code Number of credits Mandatory Menu

Teaching Internship (CEA 001)

2 Yes The teaching internship must be developed with undergraduate students, involving activities such as helping to supervise internships in research, teaching, or extension work, carried out in the field, in the classroom, or at another institution; helping in undergraduate courses offered by Unifal-MG; collaborating in technical-scientific events that attend undergraduate courses at Unifal-MG; helping to offer extension courses taught by the supervisor; co-supervision of students in scientific initiation, course completion monograph, or equivalent.

Seminars (CEA 002)

2 Yes Special discipline designed for presentation and participation in seminars related to the Program.

Hydrogeochemistry applied to drainage basins (CEA 020)

4 Not Origin, evolution, properties and distribution of chemical elements in the environment. Geochemical signatures of geological processes and geochemical background. Geochemistry and environmental engineering: geogenic and anthropogenic pollutions, toxicology and hazards. Monitoring and hydrogeochemical mass balance applied to drainage basins.
Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Water Resources (CEA 014) 4  Not

Kinetics applied to biological processes for the treatment of liquid effluents (CEA 005)

4  Not Basic concepts of chemical and biochemical kinetics; enzyme kinetics; microbiological kinetics; obtaining and evaluating kinetic data; introduction to reactor and bioreactor design; ideal batch and continuous reactors. Non-ideal flow in reactors.

Decontamination of gas streams (CEA 010)

4  Not Air pollution: main causes and effects. Particulate matter: physical and chemical properties. Breathing air. Removal of particles from gases: aerosol capture and adhesion mechanisms. Toxic gases. Absorption. Collection principles and equipment.  Equipment design.

Ecology of Continental Aquatic Ecosystems (CEA 011)

4  Not Basic concepts of Limnology: importance and approaches. Distribution, origin, morphology and morphometry of lakes. Structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Abiotic characterization of aquatic ecosystems. Metabolism, composition and distribution of communities. Anthropic impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Evaluation and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems.

Environmental Education as a Management Tool (CEA 015)

4  Not The Environmental Issue and Education: concepts, history and prospects. Foundations of Environmental Education as an area of theoretical knowledge, scientific-methodological and applied to environmental sciences. Principles and goals of Environmental Education. Environmental Education and PCN’s. Environmental Education as instruments. Sustainable Development. Environmental Planning. Environmental Impact. Conservation and Environmental Valuation. Environmental Perception. Ecological Literacy. Environmental Education in the integrated study of watersheds. Environmental Education in disaster prevention. Practices in Environmental Education.

Experimental Statistics Applied to Environmental Studies (CEA 009)

4  Not Basic principles of experimentation; Completely randomized design; Randomized block design; Latin square design; Factorial designs; Other designs; Case studies.

Introduction of Applied Instrumental Techniques (CEA 008)

4  Not Introduction to the principles of separation, absorption and emission of atoms; introduction to chromatographic techniques; gas chromatography (GC); high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), flame atomic absorption spectrometry and graphite furnace; optical emission spectrometry with induced argon plasma; mass spectrometry with induced argon plasma, hydride generation and chemical speciation. Application of chromatographic and spectrometric techniques to environmental samples.

Environmental Microbiology (CEA 006)

4  Not Prokaryotic cell structures; Culture and growth of microorganisms; Nutritional and physical conditions for cell growth; Metabolic diversity; Microbial diversity and taxonomy: Domain Archaea, Domain Bacteria; Microbial disinfection and sterilization methods; Microbiology of aerobic and anaerobic waste treatment processes; Classical and molecular methods of microbial ecology; Microbiological standards for water quality; Bioremediation.

Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Systems (CEA 016)

4  Not Mathematical modeling in environmental problems: understanding of natural phenomena or phenomena caused by environmental impacts of various natures, including the presentation of mathematical models currently accepted in the literature and possible applications to solve environmental engineering problems.

Water Resources Planning and Management (CEA 013)

4  Not Water Resources Management. Legal and institutional aspects of the Brazilian management system. Water resources policies in the State of Minas Gerais. Hydrographic Basin Plans. Basin Committees. Instruments for river basin management. Water resources management models. Classification of water bodies. Water use permits. Charging for water use. Monitoring and information systems. Case studies.

Anaerobic Processes (CEA 004)

4  Not Microbiology, biochemistry and ecology of anaerobic systems. Kinetics and stoichiometry of anaerobic digestion. Chemical and physical-chemical equilibria of anaerobic systems. Toxicity. Characteristics, configurations, and analysis of anaerobic reactors, with emphasis on design features and operational control. Combined systems for nutrient removal. Sulfate reduction. Degradation of refractory organic compounds.

Processes and Operations Applied to Waste Treatment (CEA 003)


4  Not Nature and origin of waste. Qualitative and quantitative characterization. Liquid/liquid separation. Liquid/gas separation. Solid/gas separation. Gas/solid/liquid separation. Gas/gas separation. Aeration of liquids. Ideal and non-ideal reactors. Hydrodynamic characterization of reactors. Flow models in non-ideal reactors. Fundamentals of biological processes. Aerobic and anaerobic processes. Notions on microbiology and biochemistry of treatment processes. Biochemical kinetics. Effects of environmental, operational, and reactor factors on kinetic parameters. Adsorption. Ion exchange. Reverse osmosis. Electrodialysis. Chemical precipitation.  Chemical oxidation. Irradiation. Disinfection applications. Pyrolysis and incineration of solid waste. Determinant parameters in the design of wastewater treatment units.

Special Topics in Environmental Monitoring (CEA 007)


4  Not This course will be taught by professors from the program or by professors from other institutions, invited by the program, with the purpose of complementing the content related to the “Environmental Monitoring” research line.

Special Topics in Planning and Management of Water Resources (CEA 012)

4  Not This course will be taught by professors from the program or by professors from other institutions, invited by the program, with the purpose of complementing the content related to the “Planning and Management of Hydric Resources” research line.

Special Topics in Wastewater Treatment (CEA 017)

4  Not This course will be taught by professors from the program or by professors from other institutions, invited by the program, with the purpose of complementing the content related to the research line “Wastewater Treatment”.