Visiting Professor Admissions – Life in Campus

Welcome to UNIFAL-MG, a renowned academic institution with a diverse and dynamic presence across 3 cities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Our commitment to academic excellence extends beyond our central campus in the city of Alfenas to our vibrant locations in the campus II (Santa Clara – Alfenas), Poços de Caldas, and Varginha. Each city offers a unique blend of culture, natural beauty, and academic opportunities, making them ideal destinations for both local and Visiting/Foreign professors. As you explore our campuses, you will discover a rich amount of experiences, from the enchanting landscapes of Alfenas and Poços de Caldas to the enigmatic history of Varginha. These cities provide an inspiring backdrop for academia, research, and cultural immersion.

Join us on this academic journey, where learning transcends borders and embraces the diversity of Minas Gerais.


Welcome to Alfenas, a vibrant and welcoming city that provides an ideal backdrop for your academic journey at UNIFAL-MG. As a Visiting/Foreign professor, you will find Alfenas to be a place where culture, convenience, and community come together harmoniously.

Sede: Address: Rua Gabriel Monteiro da Silva, 700 – Centro


Phone +55 (35) 3701-9000


Santa Clara: Address: Av. Jovino Fernandes Sales, 2600 – Santa Clara


Phone: +55 (35) 3701-1802

You can access more information about living in the city of Alfenas by clicking HERE.

In Alfenas, you will not only excel in you academic endeavors but also thrive in a welcoming and culturally enriching environment. We look forward to having you as sa part of our academic community and sharing in the vibrant life that Alfenas has to offer.


Welcome to Poços de Caldas, a charming city that sets the stage for your academic journey at UNIFAL-MG. As a Visiting/Foreign professor, you will discover that Poços de Caldas offers a harmonious blend of culture, convenience and community.

Address: Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela, 11999 – Cidade Universitária


Phone: +55 (35) 3697-4600

You can access more information about living in the city of Poços de Caldas by clicking HERE.


Welcome to Varginha, a city with its blend of academic excellence, cultural vibrancy and natural wonders offers Visitor/Foreign professors a unique opportunity to embark on an academic journey like no other. It is a city where academia, curiosity, and exploration come together, shaping a rich tapestry of experiences for those who choose to contribute to UNIFAL’s legacy in this captivating destination.

Address: Avenida Celina Ferreira Ottoni, 4000 – Padre Vitor


Phone +55 (35) 3219-8640

You can access more information about living in Varginha’s city by clicking HERE.


Welcome to UNIFAL-MG, your home away from home.

(Autoria das informações e dos infográficos: Luanna da Costa Barbosa, estagiária da DIPS, Letras-Línguas Estrangeiras)