Biocatalysis Laboratory

Biocatalysis Laboratory (LBiocat) – EEL/USP – DEQUI has an area of ​​175 m² housing two laboratories, one for preparing media and conducting reactions and the other acting as an analytical center. Develops research work on the use of the catalytic potential of enzymes to obtain energy, food and pharmaceutical products. The laboratory has large and medium-sized equipment such as HPLC, GC, Microwave Reactor, among others.

Available Equipment: Gas chromatograph, with two detectors and software for data acquisition; Gas chromatograph with a detector; High Performance Liquid Phase Chromatograph (HPLC); Microwave Reactor; Brookfield viscometer, analytical and semi-analytical balances, fume hood, laminar flow chamber, centrifuge, digital densimeter, muffle, refrigerated incubators with rotary agitation, BOD type incubator, diffusion coefficient meter, rotaevaporators, systems for the determination of BOD and holder Karl Fischer.