Beer Science Course

Course Objectives

Understand the fundamentals of brewing culture and production, seeking connections with scientific knowledge that enable a deeper understanding of the subject and the development of skills to solve related problems, as well as the application of knowledge in beer production.

Prerequisite: Completion of the Biochemistry course.

Course Load: 60 hours

Target Audience: Students of Biology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, and Nutrition programs.

Course Structure:

Topic Contents
Introduction – Introduction to brewing culture, highlighting historical, legal, market, nutritional, and probiotic aspects.
Overview – Overview of the production process. Differentiation of Lager, Ale, and Lambic beers. Types of equipment setups – homebrewing, nano, micro, and industrial.
Ingredients – Barley, other grains, hops, water, adjuncts, spices, and the malting process.
Fundamentals – Fermentation – Microbiological, cellular physiology, and biochemical aspects, focusing on the enzymes involved in the fermentation process. – Chemistry of flavors: Off-flavors and On-flavors. Principles of production, storage, and transportation errors.
Production – Fundamentals of beer production: sanitization; milling; mashing; filtration; boiling/hopping; fermentation; maturation/refermentation; dry-hopping; filtration; priming/carbonation; bottling; storage; wooden barrels. – Beer styles, brewing schools and their histories, BJCP, and competitions. – Principles for recipe development.
Sensory – Basics of sensory analysis: tasting (senses, sensory memory, sensory receptors, general analysis).
Final Project – Production simulation


  • Beer Science – Class 7 – 2024/2 – 60 hours: Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink
  • Beer Science – Class 6 – 2023/2 – 60 hours: Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink
  • Beer Science – Class 5 – 2022/2 – 60 hours: Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink
  • Beer Science – Class 4 – 2021/2 – 60 hours: Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink
  • Beer Science – Class 3 – 2019/2 – 60 hours: Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink
  • Beer Science – Class 2 – 2018/2 – 60 hours: Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink
  • Beer Science – Class 1 – 2017/2 – 60 hours: Instructors: Dr. Gabriel Gerber Hornink and Dr. Kamila Leite Rodrigues (voluntary collaborator)