- Workshop Principles of beer production (6 hours long) – will take place during Chemistry and Biotechnology Week
Workshop Sensory analysis of beer (2 hours long) – will take place during the 1st Fermentation Week(https://www.unifal-mg.edu.br/lme/fermentando)
- Data em breve e sob demanda- Oficina Análise sensorial de cerveja – (4h de duração) (a inscrição será uma garrafa de cerveja – 600 mL – e uma taça de água de vidro Nadir 250 mL (ref. 7002).
- Workshop Principles of beer production – September 13 (2 hours long)
- Principles of beer production (lecture) – July 4th (2 hours long)
- Principles of beer production (lecture) – August (2 hours long)
Artisanal beer production (workshop) – 16/07 (6 hours)
Collective sensory analysis – 17h/March (2 hours long)
- Virtual workshop: collective sensory analysis (we will present the principles of sensory analysis of beers and then we will each do a collective sensory evaluation at home. November 30 (6pm – 8pm
- Principles of craft beer production (August 30 – 5pm to 7pm)Badges will be awarded to those who have effective synchronous participation.
Principles of collective sensory analysis (Oct 13 or Nov 5 – 5pm to 7pm)
- Workshop on artisanal beer production – Alfenas – Unifal-MG
- Beer science: theoretical and practical principles – SBBq annual meeting – Águas de Lindóia – 2019