
Adélcio Carlos de Oliveira

        Condensed Matter           

Statistical Physics and Complex Systems  

Research Interests: Emphasis on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing. Working mainly on the following topics: Classical Limit, Semi-Classical Expansion, Open Quantum Systems, Wigner Function, Linear Entropy and Ehrenfest Time.  Contact:


Aníbal Thiago Bezerra

       Condensed Matter

Computational Modeling of Molecules, Fluids and Solids   image

Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics, acting mainly in the computational simulation of quantum systems, with emphasis on optoelectronic devices such as photodetectors and solar cells.



  André Luiz Mota  

          Particles and Fields           

Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology
Research Interests: General Theory of Particles and Fields, acting mainly on the following topics: quantum field theory, Hordron physics, statistical mechanics.



Cássius A. Miquele de Melo

     Particles and Fields

Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology    

Research Interests: General Theory of Particles and Fields, working mainly on the following topics: gravitation, variational principles, quantum field theory, cosmology and mathematical modeling.




Denis Gouvêa Ladeira

          Condensed Matter         

Statistical Physics and Complex Systems
Research Interests: research activities in (i) Fermi acceleration processes, (ii) escape phenomena and transport of chaotic trajectories in phase space, (iii) universality and scaling laws in nonlinear conservative and dissipative dynamical systems



Érico Goulart de Oliveira Costa

        Particles and Fields 

Gravitation and Cosmology  

He has a bachelor’s degree in Physics from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (2002), a master’s degree in Physics from Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (2004) and a doctorate in Physics from Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (2008). Recently, he held a post-doctoral fellowship at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), Cambridge, UK, working with Prof. G.W. Gibbons. He has experience in Theoretical Physics, with emphasis on General Relativity and Nonlinear Systems, working mainly on the following topics: geometric analysis applied to field theory, analogous models of gravitation, emergent geometries and topological solitons. He is interested in problems of mathematical-physics at the interface between differential geometry, topology of varieties and nonlinear partial differential equations. He is currently an adjunct professor at UFSJ, Alto Paraopeba Campus in Ouro Branco.



Fernando Gonçalves Gardim

     Particles and Fields

Elementary Particle Phenomenology    

Research interests: Plasma of Quarks and Gluons, Thermodynamics of Quasi-Particles, Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and Relativistic Hydrodynamics.



Fernando Marroquim Leão de Almeida Junior  

          Particles and Fields           

Elementary Particle Phenomenology

Research Interests: Phenomenology and High Energy Physics, working mainly on the following topics: extensions of the standard model, LHC, hadronic calorimetry, atlas and new leptons and heavy bosons.



Gustavo do Amaral Valdiviesso

     Particles and Fields

Experimental High Energy Physics   inspire   

Research Interests: Neutrino Physics, with expertise in data analysis and simulations, working both in phenomenology and experimental area. Through the use of computer simulations, he has been working with small and large experimental collaborations, from the design of large detectors to the research and development of new detection techniques.




Humberto César Fernandes Lemos


  Condensed Matter 


Statistical Physics and Complex Systems    Icon Request: fa-research-gate · Issue #11341 · FortAwesome/Font ...

Research Interests: Has research experience in Physics, with emphasis on Mathematical Methods in Physics, working mainly on the following topics: non-equilibrium from microscopic models, heat flow, thermal rectification, stochastic dynamics. Research also in Open Quantum Systems, particularly studying magnetic flux in spin chains modeled using the Lindblad equations.



Heron Carlos de Godoi Caldas


          Condensed Matter          

Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology   

Research Interests: Effective Theories in Field Theory and applications of Field Theory in Condensed Matter, working mainly on the following topics: finite temperature field theory, model of mesons and chiral fermions, superconductivity and superfluidity in unbalanced matter.



Ihosvany Camps Rodríguez

    Condensed Matter

Computational Modeling Simulation of Molecules, Fluids and Solids     Home Icon - Free Icons: Easy to Download and Use

Research Interests: Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Condensed Matter Our focus of work is related to new materials and devices. More specifically we work with multifunctional oxide materials applied to different areas of interest, such as spintronics, catalysis, photoelectric and thermoelectric conversion.




Leonardo de Boni

Condensed Matter        

Optics and Photonics of Materials    ORCID-icon - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Vegetal

Research Interests: Nonlinear Optics, Spectroscopy, Laser



Letícia Ribeiro de Paiva

Condensed Matter        

Statistical Physics and Complex Systems

Research Interests: Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, in particular Biological Physics and Foraging Physics. Our group has been working on a computational, theoretical and experimental approach to problems in confined social insect dynamics. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Biological Physics of the Department of Statistics, Physics and Mathematics of the Alto Paraopeba Campus/UFSJ.



Marcelo Gonçalves Vivas

Resultado de imagem para marcelo vivas

    Condensed Matter

Optics and Photonics of Materials    Home Icon - Free Icons: Easy to Download and Use

Research Interests: Interested in investigating linear and nonlinear optical processes of organic materials, semiconductors and low dimensional materials. Furthermore, efforts are focused on the fabrication of photonic platforms from laser light pulses. To this end, experimental apparatus based on Hyper-Rayleigh scattering, Z-scan, excitation and proof techniques, laser microfabrication and Laser induced forward transfer have been assembled and automated in the Optical Spectroscopy and Photonics Laboratory at UNIFAL-MG.



Marcelo Martins de Oliveira

          Condensed Matter          

Statistical Physics and Complex Systems    image

Research Lines: Simulation methods, critical out-of-equilibrium phenomena, catalysis models, epidemic models and complex networks, interdisciplinary applications of physics, time series analysis, Econophysics and Finance.



Maria Aline Barros do Vale

          Particles and Fields          

Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology   
Linhas de Pesquisa:

Research Interests: He holds a BS in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1983), an MS in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1986) and a PhD in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1998). He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of São João Del-Rei. He has experience in Physics, with emphasis on General Theory of Particles and Fields, working mainly on the following topics: lhc, majorana, heavy lepton, proton-proton collisions and statistics.




Rafael Felipe Coelho Neves

   Condensed Matter

Optics and Photonics of Materials     image

Research Interests: PhD in Atomic and Molecular Physics from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2015) with a sandwich period at Flinders University of South Australia. Works on the dynamics of interaction and electron scattering by atomic and molecular targets. He has work and research interests in low energy electron scattering, experimentally obtaining shock sections and developing instrumentation for experimental physics and renewable energy. Collaborates with the Electron Scattering Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry at UFSCar.



Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto

    Particles and Fields

Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology   

Research Interests: Works in the area of Field Theory. Has experience in Gravitation, Cosmology, and classical aspects of Gauge Theories.



Sidiney Geraldo Alves


          Condensed Matter          

Statistical Physics and Complex Systems    Home Icon - Free Icons: Easy to Download and Use

Research Interests: BS in Physics from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (1996), MS in Applied Physics from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (2002) and PhD in Physics from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2006). He has experience in Physics, with emphasis on computational simulation of complex systems, working mainly on the following topics: aggregate and interface growth models and cellular automata.
