LDFT – Laboratory for Development in Theoretical Physics

Coordinator: Prof. Anibal Thiago Bezerra



The Laboratory for Development in Theoretical Physics (LDFT) is interested in the theoretical study of solid materials, such as semiconductors and metals. Diverse techniques are applied to the study of optical and transport properties of this class of materials.

We highlight the use of tools such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), numerical solution of the Scrhóoedinger Equation using effective mass and envelope function approximations. Additionally, studies of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computation applied to materials have been developed.


The LDFT’s infrastructure is room C109, in building C of the Santa Clara Educational Unit. This room has an area of about 14m?, equipped with tables and chairs and a whiteboard, to accommodate students of Master’s degree, Scientific Initiation and TCC, which are part of the LDFT group.

For the simulations, we count locally with a Dell Precision Tower Workstation, with 20 cores, 64Gb of ram memory and 9Tb of HD. Part of the simulations is done in collaboration with Prof. Marlama Dias’ group at the University of Richmond, which guarantees access to the Quark HPC at that University. The LDFT group also has the possibility of performing simulations at CENAPAD Campinas.