
Common passport

To find the step-by-step request for this travel document, visit the link:

Emergency Passaport

According to Decree nº 5978/2006, the Emergency Passport will be granted to those who, having met the requirements for the granting of a passport, urgently need a travel document and cannot prove to wait for the delivery deadline, in the event of natural disasters, conflicts armed forces or other emergency situations, individual or collective.

Click here to know the requitements and requirements for granting this passapotr.

Official passport

According to decree nº 5978/2006, the Official Passaport wiil be granted:

  1. to the employees of the direct amdinistration who travel oh an official mission of the Federal, State and Federal District governments;
  2. to civil servants of the federal, State and Federal District governments, public companies, federal foundations and mixed-capital companies in which the Union is a majority shareholder;

Step by step to apply for an official passaport 

1º Access the page:

2 ° Click on the request for an official passport, fill out the forms and send. Print the protocol number and sign.

3 ° To process the order, you will need the documents listed below. These documents may be sent by post or presented to the Itamaraty DDV in Brasília – DF or São Paulo – SP. The withdrawal of the passport must be in person or at the recommendation of another person, provided that it is previously notified. We also inform that the withdrawal will take place at the place where the documentation is sent (for example: if the documentation is sent to Brasilia, the withdrawal of the Official Passport must be in Brasilia).

  1. Protocol number signed;
  2. One (1) 5 × 7 photo (white background);
  3. Copy of CPF;
  4. Copy od ID (RG) (National Driver´s License will not be accepted)
  5. Copy of voter registration;
  6. Request a declaration at the Pro-Rectory for People Management in which you declare your link with UNIFAL-MG;
  7. Certificate of Discharge with the Electoral Justice (available at):
  8. Passport Request Service signed by the Rector. (Please open a file in the Electronic Information System – SEI requesting the letter and send it to DRI).

Addresses for sending the documentation:


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Travel Documents Division (DDV)

Esplanada dos Ministérios – Southern Federal Administration Sector

70170-900 – Brasília / DF

São Paulo:

Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in São Paulo – ERESP

Rua Estados Unidos, 1.342, Jardim América

01427-001 – São Paulo – SP

NOTE: If the mission abroad is for more than 90, the server can request an official passaport for pamily members who will accompany him on the trip. To do this, you must provide the documentation and make a separate request for each of them.][

Advantages of the Official Pssaport: No charge and possible ease in applying for a visa.

Resrtrictions: can only be used for missions related to the home institution.