Workshop Day 01 – 27/09/2021 |
02:00pm |
Opening of the Event. |
UNIFAL – MG – Organizing Committee |
03:00pm – 04:00pm |
Opening lecture: Scientific challenges in Covid-19 times: Can the relationship between human beings and the environment promote the development of new pandemics? |
 Prof. PhD. Paulo Saldiva (USP – BRAZIL)
PhD in Pathology from FM-USP (2003) and Full Professor at the Department of Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine of USP. Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at USP from April 2016 to April 2020.
Access Curriculum
04:00pm – 05:00pm |
Lecture: Advances in gene/cell therapy using T-CAR cells in oncology. |
 Phd. Lucas Eduardo Botelho de Souza (USP/RP – BRAZIL)
Doctor in Genetics at FMRP-USP (2016) and post-doctorate (2019) at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale. He is currently the Coordinator of the Gene Transfer Laboratory at the Blood Center of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP / USP).
Access Curriculum
05:00pm – 06:00pm |
Lectures – PPGB Research Groups. |
Workshop Day 02 – 28/09/2021
09:00am – 11:00am |
Virtual guided tours by the PPGB-UNIFAL Research Laboratories. |
02:00pm – 03:00pm |
Lecture: Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease.
 Prof. PhD. Babak Baban (EUA)
Medical College of Georgia – Augusta University – EUA.
Access Curriculum
03:00pm – 04:00pm |
Palestra: Canabinoides poderiam proporcionar uma nova rota para tratar o Covid-19? |
 Dra. Évila da Silva Lopes Salles (EUA)
Graduated from PPGB-Unifal-MG and current postdoctoral researcher at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University – USA.
Access Curriculum
04:00pm – 05:30pm |
Lectures – PPGB Research Groups. |
Workshop Day 03 – 29/09/2021
09:00am – 11:00am |
Virtual guided tours by the PPGB-UNIFAL Research Laboratories. |
02:00pm – 03:00pm |
Lecture: Impact of serotonin administration against systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). |
 Prof. PhD. Luiz Guilherme de Siqueira Branco (BRAZIL)
PhD in Physiology from FMRP-USP and currently Full Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo.
Access Curriculum
03:00pm – 04:00pm |
Conference in Spanish: Neural bases (cellular and synaptic levels) of behavior. |
 Prof. PhD. Michel Borde Bebeacua (URUGUAY)
Doctor from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1994) and current director and professor at the Department of Physiology – Facultad de Medicina – Universidad de la República – Uruguay.
Access Curriculum
04:00pm – 05:30pm |
Lectures – PPGB Research Groups. |
Workshop Day 04 – 30/09/2021
09:00am – 11:00am |
Virtual guided tours by the PPGB-UNIFAL Research Laboratories. |
02:00pm – 03:00pm |
Lecture: Role of Hypoxia in Neural Control of Circulation and Respiration. |
 Prof. PhD. Benedito Honorio Machado (BRAZIL)
Doctor in Physiology from the University of São Paulo. Currently Full Professor at the Department of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, USP.
Access Curriculum
03:00pm – 04:00pm |
Conference in Spanish: Genetics of Rare Diseases in the Latin American and World Context. |
 Prof. PhD. Ricardo Fujita (PERÚ)
Doctor in Molecular Genetics from the University of Strasbourg. He is currently Director of the Center for Genetics and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Medicine at Universidad San Martin de Porres. Academic holder of the National Academy of Sciences of Peru.
Access Curriculum
16:00 – 05:30pm |
Lectures – PPGB Research Groups. |
Workshop Day 05 – 01/10/2021
09:00am – 11:00am |
Virtual guided tours by the PPGB-UNIFAL Research Laboratories. |
02:00pm – 03:00pm |
Postgraduate student’s role in the production and development of science and professional perspectives. |
 PhD. Mariana Araújo Vieira do Carmo (BRAZIL)
Graduated from PPGB-Unifal-MG and currently a substitute professor at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and researcher with project: Monitoring the circulation of SARS-Cov-2 in southern Minas Gerais.
Access Curriculum
03:00pm – 04:00pm |
Lecture: Scientific dissemination in times of fake news in the digital age. |
 Msc. Luiza Caires (BRAZIL)
Master in Communication. Science Editor of the Journal of USP. Author of the guide “From scientist to journalist” and author of the weekly newsletter Polígono.
Access Curriculum
04:00pm – 05:00pm |
Oral Presentations of Papers selected for awards. |
05:00pm – 06:00pm |
Event Completion. |