The Postgraduate Program in Biosciences Applied to Health at the Federal University of Alfenas (PPGB) is intended for the training of highly qualified personnel for research activities and for the exercise of higher education. Enrollment in the program is open to candidates who have a degree in higher education recognized by MEC (Brazilian Ministery of Education).
This program offers Master’s and PhD level courses, is divided into 02 areas of concentration, in which projects are in progress in which they operate all teaching permanent staff, students enrolled, graduates, scientific researchers and collaborators initiation students.
The PPGB was approved with concept 4 by Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel). The Master’s degree started its activities in the 2nd semester of 2011 and the Doctorate in the 2nd semester of 2015 both with the objective of training professionals qualified to develop research and teaching in the proposed area. The Masters course lasts an average of 24 months and the Doctorate lasts an average of 48 months.
The number of vacancies defined is always conditioned to the availability of guidance from professors accredited in the program and to the selection exam carried out every six months and published through the public notices.
Concentration Areas:
1- Pathophysiology
Study of endocrine, thermoregulatory and behavioral changes generated by stress due to the activation of the immune system. Effects and mechanisms of action of herbal medicines in experimental models of diseases. Study of the physiological changes that occur in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during physical exercise. Physical exercise and pregnancy. Cell proliferation, activation and differentiation in normal, pathological or during pregnancy.
2-Neuroscience and Behavior
Morphological and quantitative study on the central and peripheral nervous system in model animals. Evaluation of the involvement of areas of the central nervous system in the regulation of animal behavior and its association with hydroelectrolytic balance and interaction with the cardiovascular system. Study of neurotransmitters involved in central mechanisms for controlling behavior. Behavioral assessment in animals during normal pregnancy and after the administration of plant extracts, drugs and infectious agents.
CNPQ’s area (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development): Health Sciences, number: