Studies on processes and materials (semiconductors and imprinted polymers – IIPs and MIPs), application of more efficient and faster systems – using UV/Vis, Microwave and Ultrasonic energies; for the removal of various chemical contaminants (inorganic and organic) are carried out at PASCAL (Photochemistry and Chemical Speciation Analysis Laboratory). Also, methods, processes and materials are developed in order to assess different chemical forms of the same element in order to monitor toxicity and bioavailability. The LAFFEQ comprises a total area of 40 m2, and the following items of equipment are available: Molecular spectrometers (UV/Vis – Carry 60, FTIR – Carry 630 and UV-Vis-NIR – Carry 7000); Atomic spectrometers (HR-CS-AAS with a Hydride generator – ContrAA 300 and FAAS – FS 240); High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC- Infinity 1220); Microwave reactors (MARS 6 and STAR 100); Ultrasonic Probe (UP400St – 400W Hielscher) and Ultrasonic Baths; Milli-Q Water Purifier, High Speed Microcentrifuge; Solid Phase Extraction System; Muffles, Furnaces and Analytical Scale.