Ceramic technician trained by CENATEC SENAI Mario Amato. Graduated in Geology, Direct Doctorate in Regional Geology and Post-Doctorate in Industrial Minerals at UNESP Rio Claro. She has been a faculty member at UNIFAL-MG’s Institute of Science and Technology since 2010 and has started her activities at PPGCEM in 2013. She works in the field of Materials and Ceramic Composites, with an emphasis on the study of raw materials and ceramic processing. She has developed research in the optimization of the properties of ceramic floors and coverings, thermally treated clays for use in geotherapy, raw materials for refractories and concrete formulations. In addition, she works with the application of mining waste in the manufacture of ceramic and composite products.
E-mail: carolina.roveri@unifal-mg.edu.br
Tel.: +55 35 3697- 4738