Neide Mariano graduated in Chemical Engineering from Federal University of São Carlos. She holds a master’s degree in Science and Materials Engineering also from Federal University of São Carlos and a doctorate in Metallurgical Engineering from University of São Paulo. She holds a post-doctorate in the field of Metallic Materials Processing and Metal-Ceramic Composites. She worked at the Materials Characterization and Development Center (CCDM) at UFSCar, as Business Manager in the field of Metals, coordinating consulting and service projects with companies, and projects for the development of new materials / technological innovation processes. Mariano was a Professor at São Francisco University (USF), Itatiba, and accredited as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Engineering Materials Science of the university. She is an Associate Professor / Researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology at Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG), Poços de Caldas campus, where she was also Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering (2010-2017). Currently, she works as a Professor / Researcher in the Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering (PPG-CEM) at UNIFAL-MG.
Tel.: +55 (35) 3697-4727
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Research groups: Technology in Ceramic and Metallic Materials
Research areas:
Characterization of materials