UNIFAL-MG has its own very active evaluation committee that performs half-yearly evaluations and issues a report on the evaluations carried out during the year and acts in line with its IDP. This process involves students, teachers and administrative technicians in education, the information can be accessed on the CPA website, available at the link: https://www.unifal-mg.edu.br/cpa/. However, some specific requirements for the Stricto sensu graduate program in the area of pharmacy are not included in this evaluation. Therefore, the PPGCF collegiate indicated the names of 4 professors for the composition of the commission responsible for preparing the PPGCF self-assessment plan (ORDINANCE No. 2706 of December 18, 2019) aimed at its implementation as well as the preparation of the final report and dissemination of the results.
Over the four-year period, monitoring of students has also been carried out by the PPGCF collegiate, through evaluations of annual reports and a survey of student production carried out in a form sent to students. In addition, half-yearly meetings are held between the PPGCF coordination and the students. Meetings with professors are usually held right after the coordinators’ forum and at other times, according to demand.
Despite the existence of guiding actions for the evaluation of the Program, the self-assessment plan, as recommended by the Capes self-assessment, was applied for the first time in 2020, when the PPGCF self-assessment was carried out during the period between 01/01/2017 and 12/31/2019.