The strategic planning of the PPGCF was prepared taking into account the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) of UNIFAL-MG for the period between 2016 and 2020, approved by the University Council on 05/30/2015. UNIFAL-MG’s research and postgraduate policies, defined within the scope of the 2016-2020 IDP, are intended to contribute to increasing the country’s scientific and technological production, inserting the Institution in the national and international scenarios. With the general objective of monitoring and achieving higher levels in the evaluation of postgraduate courses in the Pharmacy area, the strategic planning of the PPGCF (prepared in 2019) was structured in the 3 evaluation criteria proposed in the new CAPES evaluation form. Considering the UNIFAL-MG IDP, the Pharmacy area document 2017-2020 as well as questions/items evaluated with “good” and “regular” concepts by the PPG evaluation committee in the 2013-2016 quadrennium and the PPGCF vision regarding its contribution to the training of human resources to improve people’s quality of life and its impact on society. We also considered the recommendations of the area contained in the report of the mid-term seminar, held in August 2019.
I – Program
Objectives: Increase public fundraising and readjust private physical space for expansion, maintenance and development of teaching and research actions. Adopt policies for continuous updating of lines of research and articulation between them, research projects and the profile of the faculty. Updating the strategic plan and implementing the program’s annual self-assessment.
Goal 1– Increase public and/or private fundraising by at least 20% compared to the previous quadrennium.
Indicators: number of projects approved with funding, number of professors with funded projects, total amount of funds raised.
Goal 2- Expand/make available adequate physical space for experimentation with animals
Indicators: expansion of the central vivarium; expansion and readjustment of the vivarium for animal experimentation located in building E of Unit II.
Goal 3- Readjust the physical space used for administrative activities and to assist students by the coordination and secretariat of the PPGCF, aiming at adapting to activities, safekeeping, maintenance and availability of academic documentation, accessibility, periodic evaluation of spaces and management of asset maintenance.
Indicator: dismemberment of the physical space to serve the secretariat/coordination of the PPGCF and the secretariat/board of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Goal 4- Review and update the norms for accreditation and re-accreditation of professors
Indicator: designation of a committee to review the rules, approval of norms by collegiate bodies, application of updated norms
Goal 5 – Restructure the Program’s lines of research according to the profile of the faculty that compose them and update research projects
Indicator: carrying out of a study on the need to restructure research lines and appreciation of the proposal by the program’s collegiate, updating of research projects in accordance with the activities developed by professors and in line with the Program’s objectives.
II- Training
Objectives: to monitor the alignment of theses/dissertations with the projects developed by the professors and with the lines of research of the PPGCF; increase the quality of research activities and the intellectual production of students, graduates and professors; monitor and evaluate the performance of graduates in the labor market and in graduate school; increase faculty involvement in relation to training activities in the program
Goal 1-Reduce the heterogeneity in the distribution of research activities among professors
Indicators: No. of completed orientations/permanent professor, ongoing orientations/permanent professor, No. of professors without orientation, No. CI orientations per permanent professor.
Goal 2 – Reduce the heterogeneity in the number of defenses in relation to the faculty;
Indicators: No. of concluded orientations/permanent professor, ongoing orientations/permanent professor, no. of professors without orientation.
Goal 3– Increase the qualified production of professors with students/graduates
Indicators: Authors/total students ratio, “Qualis” student indicator, Authors/total graduates ratio.
Goal 4– Reduce the heterogeneity in the distribution of scientific production among permanent professors.
Indicators: number of publications with students per year per professor
Goal 5 – Monitor and evaluate the performance of PPGCF graduates
Indicators: designation of a committee to monitor graduates, number of graduates highlighted in the labor market scenario.
III Impact on society
Objectives: Increase the social inclusion of the PPGCF in the community
and local and regional, including basic education; expand interaction between the PPGCF and other sectors of society, as well as with social groups; implement entrepreneurship and innovation policies; expand the visibility of the PPGCF in the regional, national and international environment, promote actions that contribute to internationalization.
Goal 1- Implement extension actions involving PPGCF professors and students that enable the application of knowledge generated through projects developed in the solution of regional problems.
Indicators: number of extension projects involving topics related to research projects developed by PPGCF professors and students; number of participations of students and professors in extension actions involving themes related to the developed research projects; number of participants from the community outside the PPGCF in the actions listed above.
Goal 2- Increase the number of high school students’ guidance in scientific initiation projects (Junior PIBIC and Junior BIC)
Indicator: number of high school CI students’ orientations per permanent professor.
Goal 3 – promote actions for awareness, awareness and training on entrepreneurship
Indicator: number of actions developed, number of PPGCF professors and students involved in actions of this nature.
Goal 4 – increase the participation of PPGCF professors and students in activities with institutional, interinstitutional, national and international cooperation.
Indicators: number of partners, number of mobility students (foreigners in the PPGCF, PPGCF students abroad), number of professors with collaborations abroad; number of professors participating (faculty and students) in events/missions abroad, number of professors in postdoctoral internship in the country and abroad during the quadrennium.
Goal 5 – expand the scientific and social expression of the PPGCF in the regional, national and international context.
Indicator: number of publications in journals with international circulation with strata A1 and A2; number of qualified productions of professors with student/graduate x weight (“quails”) per permanent professor; h-index of permanent professors.
Goal 6- Expand the dissemination of information about the PPGCF
Indicators: actions of the PPGCF disclosure committee, reach of information disclosed about the PPGCF on social networks, number of events organized by the PPGCF, number of participants in events promoted by the PPGCF; restructuring of the PPGCF page, content of the UNIFAL MG Portal in foreign languages.
Goal 7 – offer courses in English.
Indicators: number of subjects offered, number of participating students.
Approved by the PPGCF board at its 270th meeting,
held on December 13, 2019