
Research Area: Biological Diversity and Conservation


Faculty Status Main Research Focus Useful Links
Profa. Dra. Adriana Maria Imperador

Permanent Faculty 1) Environmental Education

2) Traditional Communities in Conservation Units

3) Sustainability


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Profa. Dra. Amanda Ávila Cardoso

Visiting Faculty 1) Plant ecophysiology and evolution;

2) Plant responses to abiotic stresses;

3) Photosynthesis and hydraulic function of plants


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Prof. Dr. Carmino Hayashi

Permanent Faculty 1) Applied limnology, ichthyofauna, sustainable aquaculture, public policy and management

2) Environmental sustainability in aquatic ecosystems


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Profa. Dra. Érica Hasui

Permanent Faculty Atlantic Forest bird ecology at the community and landscape levels  

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Prof. Dr. Flávio Nunes Ramos (Bolsista Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPq – Nível 2)

Permanent Faculty Effects of forest fragmentation on plant population and community  

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Profa. Dra. Luciana Botezelli

Permanent Faculty 1) Urban Environment and Sustainability

2) Nature conservation and recovery of degraded areas

3) Conservation units and socio-environmental aspects (conflicts, potential, instruments, processes and social participation)

4) Sustainability


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Profa. Dra.  Maria José dos Santos Wisniewski

Collaborator Limnology and ecosystem ecology. Main studies include:

1) Physical, chemical and biological characterization of freshwater in lentic and lotic environments; ecology of lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams

2) Species diversity, life cycle, biomass and production of zooplankton species

3) Biomonitoring of water quality using zooplanktonic organisms as bioindicators

4) Ecotoxicity – effect of some pollutants on zooplanktonic organisms



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Profa. Dra. Marina Wolowski Torres

Permanent Faculty 1) Phylogenetic and functional structure and dynamics of plant communities from the perspective of ecological interactions

2) Conservation and management of pollinators in southern Minas Gerais


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Prof. Dr. Paulo Augusto Zaitune Pamplin

Permanent Faculty 1) Ecology, Conservation and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems

2) Ecology and Biodiversity of Benthic Invertebrates

3) Use of Benthic Invertebrates in the Assessment of Integrity and Quality of Aquatic Ecosystems

4) Ecotoxicology


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Prof. Dr. Rogério Grassetto Teixeira da Cunha

Permanent Faculty 1) Primate vocal behavior

2) Bioacoustics

3) Effects of fragmentation on primate populations, communities and behavior

4) Survey of primate populations and communities and population viability analyses


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Research Area: Applied Environmental Technologies


Faculty Status Main Research Focus Useful Links 
Prof. Dr. Breno Régis Santos

Permanent Faculty Biological Effect of Bioactive Principles, Cytogenetics and In Vitro Cultivation of Plants and Biological Activity of Environmental Samples  

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Prof. Dr. Eduardo Gomes Salgado

Permanent Faculty 1) Development of Environmental Products

2) Environmental management

3) Environmental Project Management


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Prof. Dr. Geraldo Alves da Silva

Permanent Faculty Obtaining, analyzing and evaluating plant material with biotechnological potential  

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Prof. Dr. Gunther Brucha

Permanent Faculty 1) Anaerobic Acid Mine Drainage Treatment;

2) Degradation of herbicides;

3) Assessment of the impact of mining residues on the microbial community of reservoirs


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Profa. Dra. Izabella Carneiro Bastos

Collaborator 1) Industrial Instrumentation, Energy, Electric Mobility

2) Development of Electronic Circuits, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency in Artificial Oil Lifting Process, Studies and Projects in Industrial Automation, Energy Conversion, Power Electronics and Modeling of Electric Machines


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Prof. Dr. Marcelo Aparecido da Silva

Permanent Faculty Obtaining, analyzing and evaluating plant material with biotechnological potential  

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Prof. Dr. Paulo Sérgio Franco Barbosa

Visiting Faculty 1) Energy Transition to Low Carbon Economy

2) Planning and Operation of Energy Systems

3) Hydroelectricity on Sustainable Bases

4) Integration of Renewable Sources in Power Systems



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Prof. Dr. Plínio Rodrigues Dos Santos Filho

Permanent Faculty 1) Plant biotechnology applied to obtaining bioactive compounds

2) Analysis of the in vitro and in vivo biological effect of bioactive compounds

3) Biochemistry and physiology of plants exposed to abiotic stresses

4) Nitric oxide signaling in the plant defense response


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Prof. Dr. Rafael de Oliveira Tiezzi

Permanent Faculty 1) Environmental Management

2) Industrial Ecology

3) Solid Waste Management

4) Renewable Energies

5) Energy Planning

6) Hydro-Climatology

7) Unconventional Systems Using Geosynthetics




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Prof. Dr. Romero Francisco Vieira Carneiro

Collaborator 1) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in plant production and soil quality

2) Soil quality through analysis of biological attributes


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Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Luiz Mincato

Permanent Faculty Geosciences and Environmental Analysis:

1) Integrated studies of the characteristics of the physical – geological – environment to assess the metallogenetic potential of areas consisting of mafic and ultramafic rocks

2) Evaluation of socio-environmental alternatives for the disposal of sewage sludge produced in municipal sewage treatment stations


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Prof. Dr. Sandro Barbosa

Permanent Faculty 1) Analysis of toxicity and biological activity of environmental samples

2) Biological effect of bioactive principles from native and ruderal plants in bioassays


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Prof. Dr. Tales Alexandre Aversi-Ferreira

Permanent Faculty 1) Sustainability in Construction Processes

2) Primatology

3) Toxicology


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Prof. Dr. Thiago Corrêa De Souza

(Bolsista Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq – Nível 2)

Permanent Faculty 1) Plant Ecophysiology

2) Morphophysiology of stress in plants

3) Phytochemistry

4) Environmental Biotechnology


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We thank all professors that have mentored students in our program!

Prof. Dr. Alberto José Arab Olavarrieta (2011-2017) Dra. Marilia Carvalho (2016-2017)
Prof. Dr. Amanda Latercia Tranches Dias (2012-2013) Profa. Dra. Mercedes Rosa Marchese (2013-2015)
Prof. Dr. Diego de Souza Sardinha (2015-2020) Prof. Dr. Luiz Alberto Beijo (2010-2015)
Prof. Dr. Fabiano Magalhães (2011-2014) Profa. Dra. Tereza Cristina Orlando (2010-2020)
Prof. Dr. Fábio Kummrow (2010-2017) Profa. Dra. Vanessa Roma Moreno Cotulio (2011-2016)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Shinji Kawakubo (2010-2014) Prof. Dr. Vinicius Xavier da Silva (2010-2013)
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Polo (2010-2019) Prof. Dr. Walnir Gomes Ferreira Junior (2016-2020)
Dra. Maria José de Jesus Silva (2010-2013) Prof. Dr. Fabrício José Pereira (2017-2021)