Enrollment should be made through DRGCA (Departamento de Registro Gerais e Controle Acadêmico)
Enrollment Date 06/08/2021 (Friday) Online
Enrollment Services: Due to the pandemic, the enrollment process during the semester of 2021/02 will not occur in person, but after the pandemic, it will be necessary to take the original enrollment form signed to the DRGCA in building V, room V-103!
To start the enrollment process, the candidates, after being summoned via e-mail, must attach the following documents in PDF format using the following link
Cadastro de pessoa física (CPF) |
Available on the following link: http://www.receita.fazenda. |
Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s |
Carteira de identidade | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Certidão de nascimento ou casamento | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Certidão de quitação eleitoral |
http://www.tse.jus.br/eleitor/ |
Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s |
Certidão de seguro internacional (Somente para ESTRANGEIRO) | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Diploma de graduação | Master’s and PhD for students that did not perform Master’s | |
Diploma de mestrado | PhD | |
Foto 3×4 recente | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Histórico de graduação | Master’s and PhD for students that did not perform Master’s | |
Histórico de mestrado | PhD | |
Passaporte (Somente para ESTRANGEIRO) | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Prova de estar em dia com as obrigações militares (sexo masculino) | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Registro nascional de estrangeiro (RNE) (Somente para ESTRANGEIRO) | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Revalidação de diploma (Somente para ESTRANGEIRO) | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s | |
Formulário de Requerimento de Matrícula | Formulário de Requerimento de Matrícula | Master’s and PhD for students that both performed or not Master’s |
Please, deliver the following documents by e-mail (ppgca@unifal-mg.edu.br), on 06/08/21:
*Supervisor Acceptance Letter (a copy)
*Enrollment Form (a copy)
*Non-Regular Student Form (a copy)
*Scholarship Interest Letter (a copy)